What do the best attorneys in the United States say about us?
Selecting (really deselecting) a jury is the most critical part of my trial Without a receptive audience, we will fail. That is why I have no trouble in putting my ego aside and partnering with the best jury consultant in the country - Amy Singer.
Her instincts, intelligence, people skills and technological savvy have allowed her to be spot on on a consistent basis. I wholeheartedly give her my highest recommendation.
Tom Demetrio
Corboy & Demetrio
Chicago, Illinois
During the course of approaching forty years of trial practice, I have had many occasions to employ the services of a variety of jury consultants with varying levels of satisfaction and varying degrees of success. I am experienced enough to know that I cannot blame my losses on a consultant's advice, and egotistical enough not to give a consultant too much credit for the victories in which I have participated. However, that experience also provides the basis for a realistic appraisal of the value of contributions made by various trial team members, and every time I have been privileged to work with Amy Singer she has ALWAYS brought value to the team effort. Whether helping to develop a trial theme that unifies the evidence and resonates with the jury, or suggesting ways to minimize the impact of bad facts or abrasive character traits, or contributing an educated scientific perspective to the art of attempting to discern the unverbalized attitudes of prospective jurors.
Amy brings an extraordinary and unique view to the task that would otherwise go unappreciated. She has a combination of training, experience, and crafted intuition that adds strength and depth to every aspect of litigation strategy and tactics.
She is unquestionably among the best in the business.
Jack Scarola
Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley PA
Palm Beach, FL
The Jury awarded $36 Million!!!
Thank you for all your hard work and, more important, for your brilliant insight. I always enjoy working with you. I gain great knowledge, and confidence, from the witty banter, intellectual exercise, and exchange of ideas...
Law Offices of
Neufeld, Kleinberg & Pinkiert, P.A.
Aventura, Florida 33180
I can't tell you how many cases where I relied upon Amy Singer and her group to guide me regarding case evaluation, settlement and trial, but it is a long list. Having her on the team has always been important to me.
Paul N. Luvera, Attorney at Law
Seattle, WA 98104 |
Dear Amy,
People generally ask about you and a couple other consultants they'd heard of.
I always say you are the best because of your instincts. Plus you do everything else they do with so much more attention to detail.
Even though I always try to say something decent about the others, you are the best... and I believe that from the bottom of my heart
Ken Metnick, Attorney
To Whom It May Concern:
I was a real slow learner when it came to the real value of focus groups and all of the many benefits that trial consultants like Amy Singer’s stature bring to the trial of any serious case. In 1995, I learned the principal of defensive attribution. Without the benefit of Amy and the focus group, I would have never thought a jury would blame a mother for doing exactly what the advice line nurse told her to do with regard to her ill baby. She had followed the nurse’s instructions to the letter, but her feverous child arrested in route to the hospital. After 45 minutes of CPR, her child responded and his heart rate returned. However due to a shunning mechanism and DIC, the baby lost both arms and both legs. Armed with what we learned from Amy, we covered the defense’s concept in voir dire and no one blamed the mother and the verdict did all that money can do. Today, this outstanding young man competes in special Olympics and has more confidence and self esteem than you can imagine. Since 1995, I have used Amy on almost every case with great success.
Thank you Amy.
Thomas William Malone
Board Certified Professional Liability Attorney-Medical
American Board of Professional Liability Attorneys
Atlanta, Georgia 30346
Dear Dr. Singer:
I write to express my deep gratitude for your invaluable assistance throughout the years. You are undoubtedly the best trial consultant with whom I have had the honor of working with in my career. Your suggestions and guidance in structuring the theory of the case and jury selection have paid big dividends in the cases we have worked together. Your insightful contributions have been game changers, the difference between losing and winning, and that's why I consider you an indispensable member of the trial team.
I look forward to our next case.
Sincerely yours,
Jose M. Quinon, PA
Coral Gables FL 33134
Dear Amy:
I want to thank you for the excellent work you have done in assisting me to prepare for some of the most important cases I have handled. Your research and insight have been invaluable. Your understanding of the system and how potential jurors make decisions is unparalleled. I can honestly say that you are the best at what you do. I am glad that you are on my side. I think that all good attorneys working on important cases should retain you to obtain valuable insight on how to best present their case is in trial. The only exception would be anyone handling a case against me. You are my "go to" trial consultant, and I'm always grateful to have you around to assist me on my cases.
Please accept my warmest regards and continued best wishes.
Very truly yours,
Ervin A. Gonzalez
Colson, Hicks, Eidson
Coral Gables FL 33325
I have been asked to comment on the utility and accuracy of litigation consults I have had with Dr. Amy Singer. The consults go back to 1989 in Clearwater, where Dr. Singer set up a day long scenario of "arbitrator presented" focus groups. I was the arbitrator and was bluntly instructed by Dr. Singer that to get good results meant presenting a neutral case for an accurate assessment of issue perception; or it ain't about you baby, it's about your client. The highest personal injury verdict in Clearwater at that time was $1.2-1.3 million dollars. The things discussed on video by the various panels of Clearwater citizens made abundantly clear how we had to tailor the case. Upshot--$5.4 million verdict with a $3-5 million hi lo. She emphasized that when you have a case like we had, that our job was to just help the case try itself and get out of the way.
Since then I have participated in several consults; mostly on cases either had too many quirks, a unique aspect or key witnesses/parties whose jury appeal we questioned. Our decisions became obvious based on Dr. Singer's formats and results and actions to resolve the cases uniformly met with client approval...whether Plaintiff, self-insured client or insurance carrier. I do not recall any instance where a client complained about the cost of the result. I will continue to use Dr. Singer's service in litigation analysis because in the long run, when you doubt an issue, it saves time and money and reduces adverse risk exposure. After all success is success.
F. Neal Colvin, Esq.
Law Office of Peter J. Delahunty
Juno Beach, Florida 33408

Juries, and how they make decisions, are more complex than ever. Going to trial without an experienced consultant is like going to a gun fight with a straw and a spitball. Amy Singer has the combination of experience, insight and value that we look for. Her ability to distill issues to their basic themes is unsurpassed. She is our go to trial consultant and should be yours.
Sean C. Domnick
Florida Bar Board Certified Civil Trial Attorney
Domnick & Shevin PA
Palm Beach Gardens, Fl 33418

To Whom It May Concern:
I have worked professionally with Amy Singer since 1983 (hard to believe we've been doing this for so long!) with overwhelming success. Her research and insight not only is invaluable in the courtroom, but in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of both sides in settlement negotiations. My only disappointment is that I do not have more frequent opportunities to work with her!
Andrew Needle
Needle & Ellenberg, P.A.
Miami, FL 33131
I have worked with Amy on many cases over the years and we have never lost . In fact, we have had excellent results on every one of the cases . Amy not only gives us great insight into what jurors will latch onto she also gives great tips on how to present the facts in a way the jury remembers. She is a top notch acting coach along with psych insights . We continue to use Amy on our best cases.
John A. Shipley
Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart and Shipley, P.A.
West Palm Beach, FL 33409-6601
Dear Amy,
Our Bonner Webb, "no consent" "no pay" case and trial settled after 3 weeks of trial(finishing plaintiff's case) for 9.8 million, the entire insurance coverage available.
Your expedited jury consulting/on line jury focus group report was very helpful. Your counsel corroborated our analysis, but most importantly gave us an inside view of the juror's "sub-conscious/unconscious" thinking, which provided myself and my trial partner, Joseph Muzio, pressure points to relentlessly apply with each witness testimony.
Speaking to the
jurors after their discharge, we are satisfied with the validity of our conclusions, although trial lawyers debriefing jurors instantly has, in my opinion, inherent flaws.
We are very sure that the themes and issues you addressed had a very significant influence on the defense lawyers, claims adjusters and the trial judge. In civil cases this is really what the plaintiff's advocate needs and desires: psyching out the defense, affecting their perceptions so that a proper settlement is reached and risk of jury verdict is controlled for our clients.
I needed to go immediately(4 days later) into another trial and so this e-mail was delayed. I am sending this morning another fact pattern for the same services.
Thanks so much.
Joe Awad, JPA, Past President
NYS Trial Lawyers Association
Silberstein, Awad&Miklos, P.C.
Garden City New York